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Nepravidelné sloveso forbid


zakázať, nedovoliť



Minulý čas

(past simple)

Minulé príčastie

(Past Participle)


Nepravidelné sloveso forbid

Vety s forbid

You can´t forbid me to go there! I am not a child anymore!


Nemôžeš mi zakázať tam ísť! Už nie som dieťa!

I forbid you to say such things about my wife!


Zakazujem ti hovoriť také veci o mojej žene!

2. forbad; forbade minulý čas jednoduchý

When I was a child my parents forbad; forbade me to play with our neighbors´daughter.


Keď som bola dieťa, moji rodičia mi nedovolili hrať sa so susedovou dcérou.

3. forbidden; forbid– minulé príčastie

Martina was furious because her mother had forbidden; forbid her to go to a party.


Martina bola rozčúlená, pretože jej matka jej nedovolila ísť na party.

4. forbidding prítomný čas priebehový

The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners.


Cisár vydal dekrét zakazujúci obchodovanie s cudzincami.

Definícia slovesa forbid



forbad; forbade,forbidden; forbid, forbid·ding.

  • refuse to allow (something).
  • „I can see why phones were forbidden“



zakázať, nedovoliť.

  • odmietnuť povoliť (niečo).
  • „Vidím, prečo boli telefóny zakázané“

Synonymá forbid 

ban block cancel
deny inhibit preclude
restrain rule out stop

Antonymá forbid 

add admit advance
approve continue forward

Časovanie forbid

Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob

Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý

I forbid

you forbid

he/she/it forbids

we forbid

they forbid

you forbid

Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý

I forbad; forbade

you forbad; forbade

he/she/it forbad; forbade

we forbad; forbade

they forbad; forbade

you forbad; forbade

Future Tense
Budúci čas jednoduchý

I will forbid

you will forbid

he/she/it will forbid

we will forbid

they will forbid

you will forbid


Perfect – perfektívum

Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý

I have forbidden

you have forbidden

he/she/it has forbidden

we have forbidden

they have forbidden

you have forbidden

Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý

I had forbidden

you had forbidden

he/she/it had forbidden

we had forbidden

they had forbidden

you had forbidden

Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý

I will have forbidden

you will have forbidden

he/she/it will have forbidden

we will have forbidden

they will have forbidden

you will have forbidden


Continuous – priebehový čas

Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový

I am forbidding

you are forbidding

he/she/it is forbidding

we are forbidding

they are forbidding

you are forbidding

Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový

I was forbidding

you were forbidding

he/she/it was forbidding

we were forbidding

they were forbidding

you were forbidding

Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový

I will be forbidding

you will be forbidding

he/she/it will be forbidding

we will be forbidding

they will be forbidding

you will be forbidding


Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas

Present perfect continuous
Predprítomný čas priebehový

I have been forbidding

you have been forbidding

he/she/it has been forbidding

we have been forbidding

they have been forbidding

you have been forbidding

Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový

I had been forbidding

you had been forbidding

he/she/it had been forbidding

we had been forbidding

they had been forbidding

you had been forbidding

Future perfect continuous
Predbudúci čas priebehový

I will have been forbidding

you will have been forbidding

he/she/it will have been forbidding

we will have been forbidding

they will have been forbidding

you will have been forbidding

Conditional present

I would forbid

you would forbid

he/she/it would forbid

we would forbid

they would forbid

you would forbid

Conditional perfect

I would have forbidden

you would have forbidden

he/she/it would have forbidden

we would have forbidden

they would have forbidden

you would have forbidden

Conditional present progressive

I would be forbidding

you would be forbidding

he/she/it would be forbidding

we would be forbidding

they would be forbidding

you would be forbidding

Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been forbidding

you would have been forbidding

he/she/it would have been forbidding

we would have been forbidding

they would have been forbidding

you would have been forbidding


you forbid

we Let’s forbid

you forbid


you don’t forbid

we don’t forbid

you don’t forbid

Máš prejdené toto sloveso?
 Pozri si ďalšie nepravidelné slovesá.