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Nepravidelné sloveso wear


nosiť, mať oblečené, mať na sebe



Minulý čas

(past simple)

Minulé príčastie

(Past Participle)


Nepravidelné sloveso wear

Vety s wear

I never wear skirt. They make me look silly.


Nikdy nenosim sukňu. Vyzerám v nej hlúpo.

Michaela always wears smart clothes for work.


Michaela vždy nosí elegantné oblečenie do práce.

We used to make fun of our history teacher because he wore such funny clothes.


Zvykli sme si robiť srandu z učiteľa dejepisu, pretože nosil tak vtipné oblečenie.

3. worn – minulé príčastie

I´ve never worn mini skirts and I’m not going to.


Nikdy som nenosila mini sukne a ani nebudem.

Vidím, že dnes nemáš na sebe čiernu.

Definícia slovesa wear



(used with object), wore, worn, wear·ing.

  •  to carry or have on the body or about the person as a covering, equipment, ornament, or the like:
  • to wear a coat;
  • to wear a saber;
  • to wear a disguise.



(použité s predmetom), nosiť, mať oblečené.

  • niesť alebo mať na tele alebo okolo tela ako odev, výbavu, ozdobu a podobne:
  • nosiť kabát;
  • nosiť šabľu;
  • nosiť prevlek.

Synonymá wear (vo význame „be clothed in“)

bear carry cover
display put on show

Synonymá wear (vo význame „corrode, use“)

rub abrade fatigue

Synonymá wear (vo význame „bother, undermine“)

annoy drain reduce

Synonymá wear (vo význame „endure“)

hold up stand last

Antonymá wear (vo význame „be clothed in“)

hide uncover unwrap

Antonymá wear (vo význame „corrode, use“)

activate build enlarge

Antonymá wear (vo význame „bother, undermine“)

aid animate energize

Antonymá wear (vo význame „endure“)

cheer freshen rebuild

Časovanie wear

Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob

Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý

I wear

you wear

he/she/it wears

we wear

they wear

you wear

Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý

I wore

you wore

he/she/it wore

we wore

they wore

you wore

Future Tense
Budúci čas jednoduchý

I will wear

you will wear

he/she/it will wear

we will wear

they will wear

you will wear


Perfect – perfektívum

Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý

I have worn

you have worn

he/she/it has worn

we have worn

they have worn

you have worn

Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý

I had worn

you had worn

he/she/it had worn

we had worn

they had worn

you had worn

Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý

I will have worn

you will have worn

he/she/it will have worn

we will have worn

they will have worn

you will have worn


Continuous – priebehový čas

Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový

I am wearing

you are wearing

he/she/it is wearing

we are wearing

they are wearing

you are wearing

Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový

I was wearing

you were wearing

he/she/it was wearing

we were wearing

they were wearing

you were wearing

Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový

I will be wearing

you will be wearing

he/she/it will be wearing

we will be wearing

they will be wearing

you will be wearing


Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas

Present perfect continuous
Predprítomný čas priebehový

I have been wearing

you have been wearing

he/she/it has been wearing

we have been wearing

they have been wearing

you have been wearing

Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový

I had been wearing

you had been wearing

he/she/it had been wearing

we had been wearing

they had been wearing

you had been wearing

Future perfect continuous
Predbudúci čas priebehový

I will have been wearing

you will have been wearing

he/she/it will have been wearing

we will have been wearing

they will have been wearing

you will have been wearing

Conditional present

I would wear

you would wear

he/she/it would wear

we would wear

they would wear

you would wear

Conditional perfect

I would have worn

you would have worn

he/she/it would have worn

we would have worn

they would have worn

you would have worn

Conditional present progressive

I would be wearing

you would be wearing

he/she/it would be wearing

we would be wearing

they would be wearing

you would be wearing

Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been wearing

you would have been wearing

he/she/it would have been wearing

we would have been wearing

they would have been wearing

you would have been wearing


you wear

we Let’s wear

you wear


you don’t wear

we don’t wear

you don’t wear

Máš prejdené toto sloveso?
 Pozri si ďalšie nepravidelné slovesá.