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Nepravidelné sloveso win


vyhrať, zvíťaziť



Minulý čas

(past simple)

Minulé príčastie

(Past Participle)


Nepravidelné sloveso win

Vety s win

I don’t want to play tennis with you again! You always win!


Nechcem už s tebou viac hrať tenis! Ty vždy vyhráš!

In the second half of the match the score was still 2:2, but just before the end Ronaldo scored a goal and we won!


V druhej polke zápasu bolo skóre stale 2:2, ale chvíľu pred koncom Ronaldo dal gól (skóroval) a my sme vyhrali!

3. won – minulé príčastie

Vyhral si niekedy súťaž?

We´re winning and there´s only two minutes left! The cup must be ours!


Vyhrávame a zostávajú len dve minúty! Pohár musí byť náš!

Definícia slovesa win



(used without object), won, win·ning.

  • to finish first in a race, contest, or the like.



(použité bez predmetu), vyhrať.

  • skončiť ako prvý v pretekoch, súťaži alebo podobne.

Synonymá win (vo význame „finish first; succeed“)

achieve beat gain
overcome triumph upset

Synonymá win (vo význame „achieve, obtain“)

accomplish catch earn
get reach score

Antonymá win (vo význame „finish first; succeed“)

fail forfeit lose

Antonymá win (vo význame „achieve, obtain“)

depart discourage give up

Časovanie win

Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob

Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý

I win

you win

he/she/it wins

we win

they win

you win

Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý

I won

you won

he/she/it won

we won

they won

you won

Future Tense
Budúci čas jednoduchý

I will win

you will win

he/she/it will win

we will win

they will win

you will win


Perfect – perfektívum

Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý

I have won

you have won

he/she/it has won

we have won

they have won

you have won

Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý

I had won

you had won

he/she/it had won

we had won

they had won

you had won

Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý

I will have won

you will have won

he/she/it will have won

we will have won

they will have won

you will have won


Continuous – priebehový čas

Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový

I am winning

you are winning

he/she/it is winning

we are winning

they are winning

you are winning

Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový

I was winning

you were winning

he/she/it was winning

we were winning

they were winning

you were winning

Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový

I will be winning

you will be winning

he/she/it will be winning

we will be winning

they will be winning

you will be winning


Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas

Present perfect continuous
Predprítomný čas priebehový

I have been winning

you have been winning

he/she/it has been winning

we have been winning

they have been winning

you have been winning

Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový

I had been winning

you had been winning

he/she/it had been winning

we had been winning

they had been winning

you had been winning

Future perfect continuous
Predbudúci čas priebehový

I will have been winning

you will have been winning

he/she/it will have been winning

we will have been winning

they will have been winning

you will have been winning

Conditional present

I would win

you would win

he/she/it would win

we would win

they would win

you would win

Conditional perfect

I would have won

you would have won

he/she/it would have won

we would have won

they would have won

you would have won

Conditional present progressive

I would be winning

you would be winning

he/she/it would be winning

we would be winning

they would be winning

you would be winning

Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been winning

you would have been winning

he/she/it would have been winning

we would have been winning

they would have been winning

you would have been winning


you win

we Let’s win

you win


you don’t win

we don’t win

you don’t win

Máš prejdené toto sloveso?
 Pozri si ďalšie nepravidelné slovesá.